My Superpower

I have a superpower.
I can’t fly. 
But when I put my mind to something
I can rise above 
ableism and prejudice
to exceed expectations.
I have a superpower.
I can’t read minds.
But I can see 
into the beyond.
I imagine 
a world 
of dreams
of possibilities that most people 
can’t even begin to comprehend. 

I have a superpower.
I can’t lift a car with my bare hands.
But I can push 
through the toughest barriers.
No fences
or walls will stop me. 
Your words won’t stop me. 
I just keep moving forward. 

I have a superpower.
I can’t teleport anywhere I want.
But I can imagine myself in other universes
and bring worlds to life in my mind.
I see the magic
Deeper meaning
The hidden beauty of life
that we often forget to see
or ignore. 

I have a superpower. 
It’s okay
if you don’t believe me. 
I have nothing to show.
I can’t give you the ability to read my mind.
I can only tell you the truth:
My autism is my superpower. 

There’s no “cure” 
Because my diagnosis is not a disease
it’s an identity: 
my identity. 
It gives me passion and determination.
And I will succeed. 
Not in spite of it.
But because of it.
I have a superpower.